

Sunlight CO₂

An extremely power efficient NDIR CO₂ sensor

Sunlight is optimal for battery and wireless applications. Compliant with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2022, RESET grad B and WELL Building Standard® (WELL v2™)​.

Defining attributes

  • Extremely power efficient
  • Miniature size
  • Self Correcting
  • High Precision
  • LED technology
  • Compliant with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2022
  • Compliant with Standard RESET grad B
  • Compliant with WELL Building Standard® (WELL v2™)​

We at Senseair believe in quality and accuracy. When it comes to gas measurements, you want a sensor that you can always trust – without the need for maintenance. Equipped with a self-correcting algorithm (ABC: Automatic Baseline Correction), you can mount your Sunlight sensor and then leave it alone for 15 years while maintaining a robust system. Our Sunlight sensors are optimized for battery and wireless applications, or in places where you need a reliable and secure sensor with a long life.

Using LED as the light source, ultra low power consumption no longer has to come at the cost of accuracy.

Article number 006-1-0100
Operating principle Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR)
Measured gas CO₂
Measurement range 10000 ppm
Accuracy ±50 ppm ±3% of reading
Operating range RH <85 % RH
Operation range °C <50 °C
Warm-up time TBA
Response time TBA
Power supply 3.05 - 5.5 V
Peak current 80 mA
Average current 1–30µA
Communication I2C, UART
Outputs TBA
Compliance RESET Standard Grade B, WELL Building Standard® (WELL v2™)
Maintenance TBA
Life expectancy >15 years
Dimensions 34 x 21 x 12 mm (L x W x H)
Weight 5 g
Storage conditions -40 – 70°C

Article number Product Description
00-0-0108 SADK Sunrise & Sunlight  Senseair Development Kit for Sunrise and Sunlight.